If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man. - Mark Twain |
Guinea PigsGuinea Pigs InformationPet Guinea Pigs are adorable and make wonderful apartment pets. Part of the reason is that Guinea Pigs are gentle creatures and are not apt to get lost as easily as some other small exotic pets. If you want to buy two Guinea Pigs buy two immature females. Males are more active than females and grow up larger and they have more odor. If you purchase a male and a female you should have the male neutered or you will see continuous litters of baby pigs and a shortened lifespan for the female. Females are able to get pregnant as early as two months of age so it is not uncommon for them to be pregnant when you purchase them at a pet store. If you do not purchase a male there is no need to spay a female. The expense of spaying a female guinea pig is considerably more than neutering a male. (Refresh this page to see more pet Guinea Pig pictures.) Guinea Pig CareCaring for cute Guinea Pigs as pets is not really hard. Here is how to take care of a Guinea pig. Guinea Pig CagesGuinea Pigs are not all that comfortable with humans. Do not let them roam free. A cage should be provided that allows them hiding places where they can be out of sight and where they feel secure. Guinea Pigs do not jump so a secure lid is not necessary and the walls need only be about 18 inches. They can handle the cold fairly well; however, they are susceptible to heat stroke. Allow them plenty of exercise time outside of their cage and provide them with a running wheel inside their cage. Their cage or hutch should be cleaned weekly. Take the Guinea Pig out of the cage and throw away all old wood shavings, hay and food. Then replace everything fresh. Guinea Pig FoodWhat do Guinea pigs eat? A Guinea pig's diet needs a daily source of vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Guinea Pigs lack the enzyme that makes vitamin C and so they must intake vitamin C daily in order to remain healthy. A lack of vitamin C causes a disease called scurvy. Scurvy in guinea pigs causes eye infections and pneumonia. It can also be the cause of Guinea pig hair loss. Guinea Pig Chow is a great food source and consists of pellets. They should also have a constant supply of hay which aids their digestion. When feeding a Guinea pig, be sure you feed them fresh fruit, vegetables or plants daily. These are a good source of vitamin C. Guinea Pigs Life SpanA Guinea pig's lifespan ranges from 4 to 7 years. In rare cases, Guinea pigs can have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years. |
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